Current Institution: Deakin University
Fellowship: ALTC Teaching Fellowship at Deakin University
Fellowship Duration: 2008 - 2011
The Learning in Networks of Knowledge (LINK) Project will develop, trial and assess new methods of learning via the Internet. It assists the re-invigoration of university-level online learning by updating techniques and underlying pedagogic approaches to take account of the changing nature of the Internet in society today.
Education has, largely, failed to take account of the fact that the Internet’s capability to host networks of knowledge is the real foundation for its capacity to make learning more effective. To successfully exploit the Internet’s capacity for enhanced student learning, the project focuses on the pedagogic challenges of creating a student experience that is centred on knowledge production in a networked environment, with an emphasis on assessing students’ learning through ongoing participation, while providing effective cognitive scaffolding within which their learning occurs.
Founded in experience gained over several years with existing online learning approaches, LINK aims to help Australian universities adjust to the new possibilities for Internet education in the late 2000s. LINK involves a sophisticated trialling of new ideas about learning via the Internet, utilising the most recent forms of online knowledge activity. Its primary outcomes will be broadly applicable pedagogic methods, confirmed and corrected on the basis of the trial, and expressed as examples and guidance material for other academics across the university sector.
Disciplines: Communications, Internet studies, Media studies, New media
The Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows’ network (ALTF) was established in 2011 with support from the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The network comprises over 100 scholars who are well placed geographically, institutionally and within their discipline communities to promote and sustain effective learning and teaching in Australian higher education, now and into the future.
The Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows’ network (ALTF) was established in 2011 with support from the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The network comprises over 100 scholars who are well placed geographically, institutionally and within their discipline communities to promote and sustain effective learning and teaching in Australian higher education, now and into the future.