Current Institution: Queensland University of Technology
Fellowship: OLT National Senior Teaching Fellowship at Griffith University
Fellowship Duration: 2015 - 2016
Australian higher education is galvanised around graduate employability; however, the sector has largely overlooked the influence of digital career capabilities. Employers routinely recruit and screen applicants through social media. However, most graduates and many educators have little idea of how to exploit online environments for career purposes. This senior fellowship will catalyse sector-wide engagement to empower students and staff to build digital career capabilities for graduate employability and lifelong career development. Through exploration of exemplary practice and industry needs, international expert input, an educational toolkit, cultivation of a vibrant community of practice, and case study trials in four universities, it will increase digital career capabilities sectoral awareness; build knowledge of teaching strategies; and increase inclusion in higher education programmes. Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences disciplines are the focus, particularly degrees that are not associated with �vocational� career pathways. Digital career capabilities are likely to have considerable impact on the outcomes of these graduates. This senior fellowship will be undertaken with a view to disciplinary transferability.
Disciplines: Arts and Social Sciences, Humanities
The Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows’ network (ALTF) was established in 2011 with support from the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The network comprises over 100 scholars who are well placed geographically, institutionally and within their discipline communities to promote and sustain effective learning and teaching in Australian higher education, now and into the future.
The Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows’ network (ALTF) was established in 2011 with support from the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The network comprises over 100 scholars who are well placed geographically, institutionally and within their discipline communities to promote and sustain effective learning and teaching in Australian higher education, now and into the future.