Current Institution: Charles Sturt University
Fellowship: ALTC Teaching Fellowship at Charles Sturt University
Fellowship Duration: 2010 - 2011
Higher education rhetoric places a high priority on preparation of graduates for practice. This involves socialisation into the relevant occupational culture and gaining work-readiness capabilities. How the quality of these processes can be achieved receives inadequate attention in literature and curriculum implementation and good practices are more invisible than widely evident. There is a need for enhanced practice-based education (PBE) pedagogy and education to:
a. clarify good practice;
b. make good practices widespread; and
c. better prepare students for practice in 21st century universities and complex workplaces.
This program will occur in two arenas: a multidisciplinary university (CSU) which focuses on education for the professions; and a network (APROPOS) of Australian and overseas centres engaged in advancing practice-based and interprofessional education. The three-phase program will examine, develop and disseminate good practices and pedagogies in PBE. Participants at local, national and international levels will engage in the critique, dissemination and embedding of findings in higher education to enhance national impact and sustainability.
Disciplines: All disciplines
The Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows’ network (ALTF) was established in 2011 with support from the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The network comprises over 100 scholars who are well placed geographically, institutionally and within their discipline communities to promote and sustain effective learning and teaching in Australian higher education, now and into the future.
The Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows’ network (ALTF) was established in 2011 with support from the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The network comprises over 100 scholars who are well placed geographically, institutionally and within their discipline communities to promote and sustain effective learning and teaching in Australian higher education, now and into the future.